Friday, October 28, 2022


 The BHS Class of 1972  Class Directory is ready to email out to all who have shared their email address with me.  If I do not have your email address, I will not be able to send it to you.

I do not plan to post it on Facebook because then the whole world will have your email address and possibly use the emails for advertising.  I respect your privacy.

You will notice that some classmate's names are highlighted in yellow.  That indicates that I have been in touch with them and they do not want to share some or all of their contact information.  Some classmates have an asterisk * in certain fields.  That indicates that they are not sharing the information meant to fill that space.  

If there is someone you are in touch with that does not have their name listed in the directory,  please contact them and ask them to reach out to me at: 

Thank you for your help and cooperation in creating this document.  Any mistakes are strictly mine, and will be corrected as soon as I am notified of the error.  If I have left anyone out who sent me their information, I apologize and assure you that it was not intentional.

It has truly been a pleasure being in contact with everyone who reached out to me during the ticket sales for the Reunion weekend, as well as those who could not attend the reunion but contacted me to be included in the Directory.

I am hoping that this Directory will help our class to stay in touch!

Thank you and much love to you all,

Carolyn (Butcher) Hammer

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